Friday, July 23, 2010

MGUIDE Project Funding

As people keep asking me about the funding of the MGUIDE project, I thought to post this in an attempt to clarify the situation further. The MGUIDE was a large and very sophisticated project and money come from a variety of resources. The project started in 2007 and until 2008, Middlesex University was the main funding body and my last official employment institute. The package from Middlesex University covered my project expenses for that year and required me to perform maximum 15 hours of teaching/week. Two other Universities and six companies also provided support in the form of know-how, and funding for tools and hardware. From 2008 until June 2010, I was able to secure funding from an angel investor and thankfully the continued support of the companies and universities. The idea with the MGUIDE was and still remains to develop a commercial product out of it. However, because of the bad economic climate, my investor decided not to proceed any further. I still hope that this work will appeal to a company and I will be able to see MGUIDE as an application/system for Ipad or any other tablet-based computer system.


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