Monday, December 14, 2009

Immortal Avatars - A very unique use of avatar technology

Sometimes I wonder if there will be any limits in the human imagination. Engineers at the University of Illinoy Chicago, are trying to immortalize human beings through the use of avatar technology. The realization of such attempt is the Alex the avatar(show above). Alex is the digital double of Alex Pothen the former director of the National Science foundation. All I can say is WOW!!! Just imagine in 10-20 years from now to be able to transfer yourself into an AI brain and to live forever as a digital entity. Would you do it if you had the opportunity? Only the idea creeps me out but future generations may consider it an acceptable practice. The whole concept reminds me of the movie the Lawnmower man where the main character becomes so intelligent through the use of Virtual Reality technology that manage to transfer himself into the WWW.

PopSImmci's Future Of: Imm


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